The brief was to brand and package a product. This product was to be based on one of the seven deadly sins, my chosen sin was gluttony.  

As gluttony is about over indulgence my idea was to take an ordinary everyday cheap product and turn it into a luxury item. This also questions the thinking of the everyday consumer, if we pay more for something that is nicely packaged are really getting better quality? From this I decided that a suitable product to package would be toliet roll.

After looking more depth at gluttony I decided that a suitable brand name was Midas after the Greek God, as everything he touched turned to gold. Well rounded smart typography and a subtle embossed fingerprint behind type makes up the logo. The packaging appears to be black but is intact gold card then covered in thermochromic ink to give the appearance of black, this is so when the consumer touches the product it turns to gold. In the inner of the packaging is gold to give the impression of something amazing being inside.


Midas- Everyday Luxury Goods
